This month we focus on Sheffield – creative, vibrant, sporting two thriving universities, yet also a city emblematic of the challenges facing many other cities across the UK in 2022.
Our leading building study is of phase two of Park Hill’s regeneration, designed by Mikhail Riches to retain more of the estate’s original fabric than the first phase.
Other long-form features focus on the University of Sheffield’s iconic Arts Tower and how it sits uncomfortably alongside more recent additions to the campus, and the city’s new ‘green street’ which has reanimated an unloved district.
We also present a feature by Yorkshire’s own Richard Waite on how Sheffield is futureproofing its high street for a post-retail future, as well as a piece by Sheffielder Laura Mark on why grassroots groups are losing out in the race to attract big business. You can view all notable current and future developments in the city centre on our exclusive map.
Regular AJ columnists David Grandorge, the Secret Architect and the AJ Coach also feature in the issue, while Gurmeet Sian presents sketches and Hellman ‘designs’ some Qatar World Cup venues.