This issue features building studies on three projects which draw on the past in contemporary forms, including Sam Jacob Studio’s 54 Ivy Street, more completed Greenwich Design District buildings by David Kohn Architects and Níall McLaughlin Architects' Magdalene College Library, Oxford.
News features: Ella Jessel asks why are Manchester’s developers getting away with so little affordable housing provision in their schemes? Will Ing looks at architects-turned-developers and the rewards and pitfalls of becoming your own client.
News In Pictures feature's the final touches for UCL’s Olympic Park campus, AJ Small Projects 2022 winner and the new head of the Bartlett.
PLUS: Kunle Barker opines on behalf of smaller practices' fighting chances in competitions, The Secret Architect is back again, David Grandorge climbs stairs, inteventions in Milton Keynes' Station Square by Hayatsu Architects, AJ Sketchbook by Lucila Sampaoli, letters, competitions and Louis Hellman's monthly cartoon asks which is ugliest – Cumbernauld town centre or a dead planet?