The pull of the sea is strong, particularly at this time of year, and so we focus on coastal possibilities in our July issue.
Our three building studies this month are krft’s curvy arts centre for Brighton College; IF_DO’s retrofit of Hastings’ Observer Building – once a vacant heritage asset, now a vibrant social hub; and a twisting tower in the French town of Le Havre by Hamonic+Masson & Associés.
In News we present a snapshot of impressive – and never before published – seaside houses, but also reflect on deeper challenges faced by coastal communities. Peter Barber introduces his powerful Blueprints for Change proposition: our sea-circled, wind-buffeted, island offers intriguing possibilities for an ‘8,000-Mile Island’. And away from the shore, we take a close-up look at the re-emergence of co-living.
Also in the issue is a behind-the-scenes report of the one-day workshop exploring how M&S’s flagship store on Oxford St could be refurbished and adapted, rather than demolished. And for those looking for further retrofit inspiration, we provide the full shortlists for the AJ Retrofit & Reuse Awards 2024.